Modern Jive Database

Verve Dance

Verve Dance is a friendly, enthusiastic and welcoming dance club for all. It comprises the vast teaching experience of Mick & Jo Wenger and the UK's most experienced Modern Jive DJ Jon Brett. All three partners have over ten years experience in running successful weekly modern jive class nights and popular social dance events.

Consequently, we are confident that we provide the best tuition, the best music and the friendliest atmosphere anywhere.

We run regular class nights, dance nights & workshops to cater for everyone whatever your background. If you are new to Modern Jive, we will look after you at our beginner classes & workshops. If you are an experienced dancer, our advanced moves classes will help you stay inspired and you can show off your new moves at our dance nights.

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Jo Wenger

Phoning Jo? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 1/12/2019.
This page has been viewed 20,289 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Verve Dance

HATFIELD Onslow St Audrey’s School Old Rectory Drive, HATFIELD, AL10 8AB Wed