Modern Jive Database

Leicester Swing Dance

If you would like to learn swing dance or lindyhop then our weekly classes are for you. We offer both beginner and intermediate classes in a friendly sociable environment. Each class is taught by experienced dancers and anyone is welcome to join - with or without a partner.

The evening starts at 8pm with the beginner's class for around 45 minutes. Here you will learn the basic steps needed to get you started. This is followed by a social dance session of about 25minutes where you can try out your new moves or just simply have a chat with other dancers. We follow this with the intermediate class where you will learn more advanced moves and technique and then finally more time to dance at the end of the evening.

We have an excellent venue with easy parking either in the car park or on the street.

Contact Leicester Swing Dance

You can contact Leicester Swing Dance direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Alternatively, use the detail below

Ian Buehring
07872 377 282

Phoning Ian? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 17/6/2018.
This page has been viewed 26,661 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Leicester Swing Dance

LEICESTER St Andrew’s Church Hall Old Church Street, Aylestone, LEICESTER, LE2 8ND Tue