Modern Jive Database


SundayChill Monthly Freestyles starting in Bournville on Sunday 23rd February 2014

Our SundayChill aim is in the title.
3 1/2 hour music mix of smooth blues and the more chilled out modern jive tracks combining varying tempos and the occasional track with a short music break - enabling both the men and the ladies to have some fun adding expression, individual style and music interpretation in a chilled out relaxed modern jive Sunday evening freestyle - dancing 6:30pm / 10:00pm

Along with a comprehensive knowledge & substantial music collection to keep you dancing the night away, acquired during 11+ years of teaching over 1,000 modern jive dance classes and numerous dance workshops - covering many different disciplines, from Beginner/Intermediate & Advanced Modern Jive, Drops & Seducers, Double Trouble, Up Close Dips & Tricks, and of cause, Essential Basic Blues. Ian will be on the decks and on hand to help and advise at the start and end of each evening.

Although our SundayChill is aimed at the experienced Modern Jive dancer, beginners are more than welcome. With our dedicated dance crew on hand, everyone will be assured of a dance and let’s face it, the quickest way to improve your dance style is to dance with the more experienced dancers.

Location: Rowheath Pavilion (JiveFevers Tuesday night Modern Jive Class Venue)
Opened in 1924 by the Cadbury family for their workers, set in picturesque parkland just outside Cotteridge on Heath Road Bournville, Birmingham B30 1HH

The Terrace Room has its original beautifully kept smooth wooden parquet dance floor ideal for effortlessly gliding across on SundayChill dance nights. A very reasonably priced Licensed bar with friendly staff, and large free car park to the side of the building.

If you’re a friendly, fun loving modern jive dancer, SundayChill is the ideal way to finish the weekend, enjoying a relaxed dance evening with like minded people.

Contact SundayChill

You can contact SundayChill direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

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Alternatively, use the detail below

Ian Hands
0774 775 3272

Phoning Ian? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 6/2/2014.
This page has been viewed 9,838 times.

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