Modern Jive Database


Beginners, intermediate and Advance classes.
Specialist in - Dips, drops, Ariel's, floor sweepers etc.

Private lessons * Group workshops * First dances * Spot lights * Blues

- Weekly beginners Classes - Sunday 7.00 pm

Working on the 20 basic moves including signals, style, timings and control. Ideal for individual men and women and fixed dance partners as these are universal moves practiced during freestyle dances.

- Weekly intermediate/advance classes. - Sunday 8 pm

Working on - Technical Extended and New moves, variations to existing moves, beginnings and endings, style and control, timings.

Class also includes - dips, drops, seducers lifts and ariels.

With a wide range to suit to most dancers which look spectacular at freestyle dances.

Only requiring basic techniques and recognised signals.
Ideal for individual men and women to learn or fixed dance partners.

(Please note - some of the techniques for the more advanced lifts and ariels, etc, are more suited to fixed dance partners only)

* Smaller friendly full class-tuition with practice dance time *

We look forward to welcoming you to the next class where you'll get hooked on Modern Jive.

None profit making. Donations to local charities.

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07709485348 / 07526167788

Phoning Mark? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 4/8/2016.
This page has been viewed 11,181 times.

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