Modern Jive Database

JIVE Rhythms

At JIVE Rhythms we cater our night to beginner and
improver dancers. We realise that learning to dance can
be daunting and improving past the basics can be
challenging. We are here to make both of those steps
easier and to ensure that you are always having fun and
always progressing.

Most importantly we believe that learning to dance will
come faster if you are in a relaxed and sociable setting.
At JIVE Rhythms technique will never come at the
expense of fun.

Contact JIVE Rhythms

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Irene Murphy

Phoning Irene? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 29/5/2014.
This page has been viewed 7,509 times.

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Dance Classes Run by JIVE Rhythms

HEADINGTON Quarry Village Hall 67 Quarry Road, Headington, HEADINGTON, OX3 8NX Thu