Modern Jive Database


Jiveasy welcome anyone to their midweek Modern Jive classes in Portchester, nr. Portsmouth, and Fishbourne, nr. Chichester, on the South Coast.

The beginners lesson will teach you three moves to get you started.

The intermediate class is aimed at those who have been dancing approximately six weeks or more.

There's no need to bring a partner and any night can be your first night. Just turn up and meet our friendly team who are there to help you learn and enjoy the experience of Modern Jive dancing.

It's a fun, friendly and relaxed atmosphere and so easy to learn so come and join in.

Doors open at 19:45

Contact Jiveasy

You can contact Jiveasy direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Alternatively, use the detail below

07590 848938

Phoning Nigel? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 31/1/2016.
This page has been viewed 20,058 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Jiveasy

FISHBOURNE The Fishbourne Centre Blackboy Lane, FISHBOURNE, PO18 8BE Wed
PORTCHESTER Portchester Community Centre Westlands Grove, PORTCHESTER, PO16 9AD Mon