Modern Jive Database

West Coast Swing Winchester

West Coast Swing at the River Park Leisure Centre

Programme for our weekly West Coast Swing evenings:

Go upstairs to the Function Room, River Park Leisure Centre, Gordon Road, Winchester, SO23 7DD

20.00 Beginners Class, Improvers Class
20.45 - 21.15 Freestyle
21.15 - 22.00 Intermediate/Adv Class
22.00 - 22.30 Freestyle

Weekly drop in: £10
Concessions upon request. One free class after ten attended, with our club card!

Contact West Coast Swing Winchester

You can contact West Coast Swing Winchester direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

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Silvia Gill

Phoning Silvia? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 29/8/2019.
This page has been viewed 14,916 times.

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Dance Classes Run by West Coast Swing Winchester

WINCHESTER The Function Room River Park Leisure Centre, Gordon Road, WINCHESTER, SO23 7DD Thu