Modern Jive Database

Ceroc Evoke/Ceroc Spirit

Learn to Dance - the easy way
Welcome to Ceroc Evoke & Ceroc Spirit which operates in the busy Cambridgeshire & Central Bedford & Herts area. Thank you for taking the time to read about us.

We are very lucky to have many lovely dancers and we have a wide range of freestyles, amazing venues and classes to choose from

Freestyles & classes have a great vibe, with welcoming crews and really nice venues. We would like to invite you to join us on our evenings to learn how to partner dance, enjoy a great mix of dancers as well as a wide musical genre which allows you to jive, blues, WCS and tango on fabulous sprung floors but most of all to have fun and laughter.

We believe in collaboration with our customers and other Ceroc Franchises as we understand our customer base extends over many areas.

We are so excited that we now can return to dance and look forward to welcoming exisitng members and new cancers to our classes and freestyles

Our Regular Class nights are
Monday Nights - Weatherley Centre - Biggleswade - Tuesday Nights - Priory Centre - St Neots
Tuesday Nights - Eddington Centre - Storey's Field
Wednesday Nights - Fowlmere Village Hall

All venues have free parking
Beginner classes start at 7.45 pm and Intermediate classes start at 8.45 pm
Beginners are very welcome and we fully understand that the hardest step to learning any new skill is going on the first night.

We host a two room freestyle each monthand a regular Freestyle (see events) as well as am afternoon Tea Dance

We hope to see you there

Contact Ceroc Evoke/Ceroc Spirit

You can contact Ceroc Evoke/Ceroc Spirit direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Alternatively, use the detail below

07710 409167

Phoning Alma? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 30/1/2024.
This page has been viewed 127,954 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Ceroc Evoke/Ceroc Spirit

BIGGLESWADE Weatherley Centre Eagle Farm Lane entry via Orchard Close, BIGGLESWADE, SG18 8JH Mon
CAMBOURNE Cambridge-Cambourne Village College Sheepfold Lane, Cambourne, CAMBOURNE, CB23 6FR Tue
ROYSTON Fowlmere Village Hall Chrishall Road, Fowlmere, Herts, ROYSTON, SG8 7RY Wed
ST. NEOTS The Priory Centre (Great Hall) Priory Lane, ST. NEOTS, PE19 2BH Tue