Modern Jive Database

Wirral Jive

Wirral Jive has modern jive every Sunday at Thingwall Recreation Centre, Sparks Lane (Entrance opposite Nurse Road), Thingwall, CH61 7XE.

You are most welcome every Sunday from 7.30 p.m., and there is a friendly welcoming atmosphere. Free water is provided and you can bring your own refreshments.

All jivers are catered for whether with partners, friends or by yourself. We also cater for the more experienced jivers and we also run workshops, and private lessons, for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. We have friendly teachers and a welcoming, helpful crew.

We have a group on Facebook and also an email Newsletter to keep everybody up to date. There are also extra social functions and weekends away.

Contact Wirral Jive

You can contact Wirral Jive direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

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Alternatively, use the detail below

Andy Sutton
07703 491413

Phoning Andy? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 29/12/2022.
This page has been viewed 7,332 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Wirral Jive

WIRRAL Thingwall Recreation Centre Sparks Lane , Thingwall, WIRRAL, CH61 3UB Sun