Modern Jive Database

Boston Jive

Friendly and fun beginners & improvers 40s/50s style jive/swing classes.

Every Sunday at Holbeach WI Hall, Park Road, Holbeach PE12 7EE 7-8:30pm, Monday at Boston Conservative Club, Main Ridge West, Boston, PE21 6QQ 7-8:30pm, Tuesdays at Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, NG34 8DF 7:30-9pm, every Wednesday at St Hugh's School, Woodhall Spa LN10 6TQ 7:30-9pm and Thursdays at St Mary's Church Hall, Rose Lane, Pinchbeck PE11 3RN 7:30-9pm.

No partner needed, two left feet welcome!! Classes are £6 per lesson. Learn a new skill, get fit and meet new friends or add to your catalogue of dance moves!! Contact for up to date information

With over 30 years of jive dance experience between them you are in safe hands with Claire & Neil Seabrook!

A fun and friendly way to keep fit, lose weight and meet a fantastic group of people!

Contact Boston Jive

You can contact Boston Jive direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Alternatively, use the detail below

Claire Seabrook
07767 149167

Phoning Claire? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 2/1/2020.
This page has been viewed 17,116 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Boston Jive

BOSTON Boston Conservative Club Main Ridge West, BOSTON, PE216QQ Mon
PETERBOROUGH Coronation Hall Halfleet, Market Deeping, PETERBOROUGH, PE6 8DB Tue
SPALDING Holbeach WI Hall Holbeach, Park Road, SPALDING, PE12 8DZ SunThu
SPALDING St Mary’s Church Hall Rose Lane , Pinchbeck, SPALDING, PE11 3RN Fri
WOODHALL SPA St Hugh’s School - Forbes Hall Cromwell Avenue, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6TQ Wed