Juke Joint Events
Contact Juke Joint Events
You can contact Juke Joint Events direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Alternatively, use the detail below
- Contact:
- Chris Uren
- Tel:
- 07926000872
Phoning Chris? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.
- Email:
- chris@dancersmusic.co.uk
- Web:
- www.jukejointevents.co.uk
The organiser last reviewed this information on 16/7/2018.
This page has been viewed 11,198 times.
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Modern Jive Organisations
View the details of a Jive company.
Jive Companies
- Chigford
- 1st Move
- A DanceSin Fusion
- ABC Jive
- ABC Jive UK
- Active Holidays with Travel Four
- Adrenalin Jive
- Adrian Marsh School of Dance
- AJ’s Rock’N’Rol
- Alley Katz
- Allsorts
- Allure Dance
- Alz-Dances
- Alzheimer’s society
- Amersham Jazz Club
- Angie A’s Swagga Swing Band
- Aquarius Jive
- Ballroom Into Jive
- BB’s Easy Jive
- Benenden
- Benenden School
- Best Western Shrubbery Hotel
- Blitz
- Blitz : Sheffield
- Bluesman 270 Promotions
- Boogaloo
- Boogie Nightz Jive
- Borderlands Jive
- Borderlands Jive
- Boston Jive
- Boxmoor Beat
- Bridgwater Modern Jive
- Bridgwater West Coast Swing
- Brighouse
- Brighton Jive Promotions
- Bristol LeRoc
- Bristol LeRoc
- C&GDancing
- C&GDancing
- C&S Dance Nights
- Carol’s Latin Jive
- Celt Jive /Costa Del Jive
- Ceroc
- Ceroc Aberdeen
- Ceroc Addiction
- Ceroc Beds & Ceroc Bucks
- Ceroc Conexión
- Ceroc Dancing
- Ceroc Derby & Burton
- Ceroc Devon
- Ceroc Dorset
- Ceroc Durham
- Ceroc Escape
- Ceroc Evoke/Ceroc Spirit
- Ceroc Evolution
- Ceroc Excite
- Ceroc Fever
- Ceroc Fusion
- Ceroc Groove
- Ceroc Groove
- Ceroc Guildford & Godalming
- Ceroc Heaven
- Ceroc Horsham
- Ceroc Ignite
- Ceroc Inspire
- Ceroc Le Beat
- Ceroc Live / Ceroc Dance
- Ceroc London
- Ceroc Metro
- Ceroc Metro
- Ceroc Metro
- Ceroc Newbury
- Ceroc North East
- Ceroc Oxford
- Ceroc Plus
- Ceroc Prizm
- Ceroc Remix
- Ceroc Scotland
- Ceroc Somerset
- Ceroc South Birmingham
- Ceroc South Wales
- Ceroc South Wales
- Ceroc South Wales
- Ceroc South Yorkshire
- Ceroc Surrey
- Ceroc Surrey
- Ceroc TV
- Ceroc Vibe
- Ceroc Windsor
- Ceroc WY-Jive
- Ceroc Yorkshire
- Ceroc Yorkshire & Northeast
- Ceroc Zeal
- Chance To Dance (LeRoc Modern Jiv
- Change Dance
- Charity Dance
- Charity Freestyle Luton
- Charity Fundraiser
- Chorley Jive
- Cinnamon Jive
- city2sand
- Claire Hart
- Clevedon LeRoc
- Cloud9
- Club Ceroc
- Club Dance Holidays
- Club Dance Holidays
- Club Dance Holidays
- Club Free Spirit
- Club Jive
- ComeAlive Jive
- costa del jive
- Credit Crunch Jive
- CurlyWurly Events
- Dance Action Holidays
- Dance at 8
- Dance Card Events
- Dance Classes North Wales
- Dance Elevation
- Dance Emotion
- Dance Evolution
- Dance Fever
- Dance Fixation
- Dance Friends
- Dance Fusion
- Dance Infinity Sussex
- Dance Junkies
- Dance Junkies - Modern Jive
- Dance Synergy
- Dance Yourself Dizzy
- Dance2Mesmerize
- Dance4Myton
- Dance-Ability
- Danceaholics
- dancealot
- DanceJive
- DanceSin Fusion
- DanceXAffinity
- DanceXcess JIVE-IN
- Dancing For Charity & Dance Distr
- Dave’s West Coast Swing
- Debut Dancing
- Decade Dance
- Derby Jive
- Diamond-Dance
- Discojive
- DJNickatHi-Jive
- Dynamic Dance
- Dynamic Dance
- Eastbourne Le Roc
- EastonSwing
- EastonSwing
- EastonSwing Ltd
- Easy Dance Jive
- Easyjive
- Electric Jive
- Elton Dance Verve
- Enerjive
- Eventfulness
- Evolution Dance
- Evolve with Tor
- Feel Good Friday
- Feets of Amazement!
- Fife Jive
- Flashback
- Flashdance Freestyles
- Floorplay Jive
- Foot-Loose JIVE Bury
- French Jive Couples Practice Club
- Fresh Jive
- Fun Dance Jive
- Fun2Dance
- fun2jive North West
- FunkyLush
- Furness Jive
- Fusion
- Gazzabash
- Get Happy Entertainment
- Gibbonsprimadance
- Ginger Jive
- G-Jive
- Glasgow Swing Dance Society
- GM Dance
- Gosfield Charity VE Day Swing Dan
- GrahamWeeksDJ
- Greenwich Dance
- Guppy’s Enterprise Club
- Harrogate Jive
- Harrogate Jive Events
- Hearts Of Angels
- hi5jive
- hi5jive
- Highland Charity Jive
- Highland Charity Jive
- Hi-Jive
- Hi-Jive
- Holiday Rock
- HolmfirthJive
- Hope & Aid Direct
- Hot Roc Jive
- Hotshots Dance LeRoc
- iDance
- ijig
- Illumination Dance / DanceXcess
- In Motion Dance Somerset
- Inter-Jive
- IslandDanceWizards
- J
- J7VE
- Jangel Jive
- JayDee’s
- Jazz Swing Dance
- Jazzjiveswing
- Jazzles Jive Fusion
- Jim Edwards West Coast Swing
- Jive & Boogie
- Jive ’n’ Kickin’
- Jive Addiction Limited
- Jive After 5
- Jive Aid (Charity Event)
- Jive Alive
- jive alive hexham
- Jive Amore
- Jive Cafe
- Jive Crazy
- Jive Dance
- Jive Dance party
- Jive Dance Party
- jive distinction
- Jive Fantasy
- Jive Freedom
- Jive Freedom
- Jive Frenzy
- Jive Fusion Dance
- Jive Hive
- JIVE HIVE - Northwest
- Jive Inc
- Jive Infusion - South Yorkshire
- Jive Jaunts
- Jive Junkie
- Jive Junkies
- Jive Latino
- Jive London
- Jive Mad - Shipton
- Jive Nation
- Jive Nights LeRoc
- Jive North
- Jive NorthEast
- Jive O’Clock
- Jive Partners
- Jive Party
- Jive Rebellion Widnes
- Jive Revival
- JIVE Rhythms
- Jive Riot
- Jive Riot - Dorset
- Jive Sensation
- Jive Sensation North West
- Jive Sensation North West
- Jive Showcase
- Jive Smooth
- Jive Stars
- Jive Stylistic
- Jive Survivors
- Jive Survivors Stowbridge
- Jive Talkin Disco
- Jive Teddy
- Jive Temptation
- Jive Trend
- Jive+
- Jive4All
- Jive-a-licious
- JiveAlive
- Jiveasy
- Jivebeat
- JiveDancer
- Jiveeezy
- JiveFever
- JiveLive!
- Jivemania - Humberside
- Jiveolution
- JivePlay
- JivePlymouth
- Jives Alive
- Jivesters
- Jivestyle
- Jivestyle-Dance Co
- JiveSwing.Com
- JiveTango
- JiveTango
- Jivetastic!
- JiveTime and Jive Holiday Club
- Jive-Time!
- Jiveuwild Luxury Yacht & Dance Ho
- jivewithatwist
- Joy of Jive
- Juke Joint Events
- Jumping Jack Jive
- Just Danze
- Just Jive
- Just Jive Ltd
- Just Jive Thornton Hough
- Just2Jive
- Justdanze
- justgreatjive
- Justjive Bognor
- JV Modern Jive Club
- Kent Jive
- Kimberley Coury
- Kool Jive Events
- La Attica
- La Dolce Vita Dancing
- LA LeRoc
- Lana’s Dance Café
- LatinQuarter
- Le Swing Jive
- Learn West Coast Swing with Jon &
- Learn2Jive
- Leicester Swing Dance
- LeROC Ayrshire
- LeROC Ayrshire
- LeROC Ayrshire
- LeRoc Jive Lancashire
- LeRoc Modern Jive with Stacey
- Leroc Modern Jive with Stacey
- LeRoc North Wales
- LeRoc Scotland
- LeRoc Surrey Modern Jive
- LeRoc Wirral
- LeRoc.com
- Let’s Dance Bristol
- Let’s Dance
- Let’s Dance Jive!
- Liberty Ballroom and Latin
- Lindy Jazz
- Link 40+ Events
- Live
- Love 2 Jive
- Love to Dance (Stamford)
- Love2Jive
- luv2jive
- Mad About Swing
- Mae Ferrell
- Max Lemon Charity Fund Raising Ev
- Mersey Jive
- Mid Wales Jive
- miJive and Jive Bucks
- Milton Keynes Dance Centre
- MISTdance
- MJ Dance
- MJ Dance
- MJive
- MJ-ive
- MJ-ive
- MJRoc
- MJS Just Love To Dance
- Modern Jive at The Western
- Modern Jive Kings
- Modern Jive Kings
- Modern Jive Lancs (sole trader)
- Modern Jive Portsmouth
- Modern Jive Sensation
- Modern Jive Surrey
- Modern Jive Today
- Modern LeRoc Jive
- modernjive.com
- Monkey Socks
- Mottram Jive Club
- Mr
- Murphys Shirts
- Nailsea le Roc
- Neapolitan Party - Bournemouth
- NewBerko JiveHub
- Newquay Jive
- None
- North Wales Jive
- North West Jive
- Northern Jive Barnsley
- Notts Jive Crew
- Omnibus
- Oxford Swing Dance
- Pac Jive
- Paris Rock
- Party Time Dance
- Paul King
- Paula & Steve’s Jive Academy
- Phoenix Fusion Freestyles
- Pirate Jive
- Planet LeRoc Wales Modern Jive
- Platinum Jive
- Pop Up Jive
- Pop-up Freestyle
- Portishead LeRoc
- Pulse-Dance
- Pure jive
- Red & Ginger’s Hot Vintage
- Red cap John charity jive
- Red Feather Club
- Red Hot Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red velvet Jive (modern Jive free
- Redruth Jive
- Revive
- Revive Jive
- Revolution Dance
- Richer Moves
- Riviera LeRoc
- Rock and Soul
- Rock Bottoms
- Rock’n’Roll Revolution
- RockinRhythm
- Rocsters
- Rug-Cutters Lindy Hop Club
- Rushden Jive
- S&S Jive
- S.A.S. Dance
- Salsa ’n’ Jive
- Salsa With Sureka
- Salvador Dance
- Sara White’s Jive & Blues Nites
- Saturday Jive at Chichester
- SavoyHop
- Second City Swing
- Sensation North West
- Serene Dance
- Serene Dance
- SH!Dance Jive
- Sharon and Steve
- Sharon and Steve freestyle events
- Shush The Venue
- Simply Smooth
- Slip & Slide Modern Jive
- Smartdanceworks
- Smooth Moves
- SmoothAsSilk
- SO Ceroc
- Something new
- Soundwave Disco
- South Lakes Jive
- South Lakes Jive
- Southlakes jive
- Spinz Modern Jive
- Spondon JiveX
- Spondon Liberal Club
- St Sampsons Centre
- Steppin’ Out
- Steps In Time
- Stoke Bishop Village Hall
- Stokie’s
- Stokie’s Blues Exchange Bucks
- Stokie’s: South Midlands
- Strictly Ceroc
- Strictly Jive
- Strictly Jive Fever
- Strictly PJ Dance
- StrictlyJiving.com
- Stylz Jive
- Sub Zero Swing
- Sugar Step
- SundayChill
- SuperJive
- Surrey Jive
- Sussex Coast Jive
- Sway
- Swing Dance Summertown
- Swing Jive Leeds
- Swing Jive Rock and Roll
- Swing Out & Shimmy
- Swing Roc
- SwingdanceUK
- Swingland
- Swingsters
- Swinton Jive
- Sync Dancing
- Sync Dancing
- Take 4/Dance The Blues
- Team Le Roc
- Technique Ninjas
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- The 1086 Club
- The Chicken Shack
- The Crown Ballroom
- The DoubleDeckers Smooth Tunez
- The Engine Shed
- The Gilda Brook Social Club
- The Jive Club
- The Jive Club (Essex)
- The Jive Club (Norfolk)
- The Jive Hive
- The Jive Junction
- The Jiver
- The Rocking Rebels
- The Roses Theatre
- The Ruby Reds
- The Stocksfield Tea Dance
- The Sunday Connection
- The Surrey Swing Dance Society
- The Swing Dance Company
- The Thing
- T-Jive
- Tony Jive
- Top Cat Dance
- Trinity LeRoc
- Twenty Flight Rock
- U-Dance
- U-Dance
- Upton Magna Memorial Hall
- Utopia
- V Woolf Enterprises Ltd
- Verve Dance
- ViBe Dance Nights
- Vibejive
- VibeJive
- Vidadance Ltd
- Video-Music Club of Bolton
- Vintage Jive
- Virginia Heck
- Want2Dance
- Want2Dance - Birstall
- Want2Dance - Burton
- Want2Dance - Melton Mowbray
- Want2Dance with Victoria
- Warrington Meet & Jive
- Warwick westies
- WeJig
- WeJive
- West Coast Amnesia
- West Coast Swing
- West Coast Swing - Cheshire / Man
- West Coast Swing - London
- West Coast Swing - North West
- West Coast Swing Events in Leeds
- West Coast Swing UK
- West Coast Swing Winchester
- Westyorkshire Jive Freestyles
- White Cliffs Modern Jive
- White Linen
- Wirral Jive
- Yorkshire Freestyle Nights
- Yorkshire Koast Jive
- YouPhoria
Dance Classes Run by Juke Joint Events
No class information is available for Juke Joint Events. |