Modern Jive Database

Ceroc Surrey

Ceroc Surrey is a franchise for Ceroc Enterprises Limited and offers modern jive lessons and social dancing at 6 venues throughout the Surrey area and regular workshops

Contact Ceroc Surrey

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Claude Robe
07938 520696

Phoning Claude? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 19/3/2022.
This page has been viewed 101,916 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Ceroc Surrey

COBHAM Cobham Village Hall Lushington Drive, COBHAM, KT11 2LU SunThu
EWELL Ewell / Epsom Bourne Hall, Spring Street, EWELL, KT17 1UF Tue
GUILDFORD Worplesdon Memorial Hall Perry Hill, GUILDFORD, GU3 3RF Tue
SURBITON Surbiton High School Assembly Room, Maple Road, SURBITON, KT6 4RT Wed