Modern Jive Database

Jive Stylistic

Jive Stylistic run adult LeRoc Modern Jive dance classes on a Monday night at Brumby Hall Social Club, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe DN16 1AA.

LeRoc Modern Jive is a dance that is stylish, energetic, easy to learn and fun, fun fun!

Classes include technique, such as leading and following from the frame, footwork, how to spin and styling.

Modern Jive can be danced to a range of contemporary and modern music and single ladies, single men and couple attend classes so there is always someone to dance with.

Weekly classes open at 7:30pm with a half an hour beginners class from 8:00pm followed by a half hour freestyle. The intermediate class starts at 9:00pm and is followed by an hour freestyle until we close at 10:30p,

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Andrew Murphy

Phoning Andrew? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 16/7/2023.
This page has been viewed 990 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Jive Stylistic

SCUNTHORPE Brumby Hall Ashby Road, SCUNTHORPE, DN16 1AA Mon