Modern Jive Database

Steps In Time

Steps In Time is Phil & Wendy Greenall, partners for more than 39 years. Modern Jive & West Coast Swing classes & workshps for beginners & accomplished dancers to enjoy the experience together. Phil & Wendy teach for many independants throughout the North West & beyond. Both Phil & Wendy deliver comprehensive instruction via dual mic's...the feed back, especially from the ladies, is very positive...'we do not normally get any instruction & wonder what we should be doing' 'it is so much better from the followers perspective to have some direction'. They have a regular Monday Night WCS class at St Johns United Reform Church, Wilderspool Causeway,Warrington WA4 6QE. This is a very popular , well attended & friendly class suitable for the beginner & 'long in the tooth' them!

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Phil & Wendy

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The organiser last reviewed this information on 13/2/2020.
This page has been viewed 41,103 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Steps In Time

WARRINGTON St Johns United Reform Church 233 Wilderspool Causeway, WARRINGTON, WA4 6QE Mon