Modern Jive Database

ComeAlive Jive

ComeAlive Jive, an independent club run by a team of dancers, bringing their own distinctive style of teaching and humour to a Monday evening in Horncastle Lincolnshire.

"I don't have a partner": You don't need one, the team are there to get you going, but bring your friends, the more the merrier.

"I have two left feet": Bring them both, we will help you work it out.

Door open 7.30pm

Contact ComeAlive Jive

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Stephen Smith
07812 384 846

Phoning Stephen? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 12/10/2015.
This page has been viewed 7,553 times.

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Dance Classes Run by ComeAlive Jive

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