Modern Jive Database

Ceroc Zeal

Learn to dance smooth modern jive, no partner needed. Ceroc Zeal is the latest franchise in the stable, operated by Stuart and Peggy-Sue Humphrey, we offer a weekly beginners class on Monday followed by an intermediates class and then freestyle dancing until 11pm. Heathfield is the location of our flag ship venue, more venues will be opening in 2017. Please check back for more details and visit our website for the latest offers and announcements.

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Stuart Humphrey

Phoning Stuart? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 18/1/2017.
This page has been viewed 6,495 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Ceroc Zeal

HEATHFIELD Heathfield - State Hall Station Rd, East Sussex, HEATHFIELD, TN21 8LD Mon