Modern Jive Database


Smartdanceworks is a modern jive partner dance, a fun and easy dance style to learn. Our dance night provides a great social evening with an opportunity to make new friends, have fun, lose weight and get fit. No need to bring a dance partner. Singles, couples and groups are always welcome.

Smartdanceworks offers Dance tuition, Weekly classes, Private lessons, Wedding Dances, Private and corporate functions, Event organising and promotion including dance holidays.

Smartdanceworks weekly classes are:

Every Monday at The Hallowes Golf Club, Hallowes Lane,
Dronfield, S18 1UR 7.30pm - 10.30pm

Every Tuesday at the Phoenix Suite, Club
Chesterfield, Chester St., Chesterfield S40 1DL. 7.30pm -

Dancing puts the Sunshine in your life!

Contact Smartdanceworks

You can contact Smartdanceworks direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Alternatively, use the detail below

Tracey Barnes
07721 046757

Phoning Tracey? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 28/2/2022.
This page has been viewed 26,238 times.

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