Modern Jive Database

Jive Survivors Stowbridge

A friendly Modern Jive class that aims to cater for all levels of Modern Jive dancers it meets on a Wednesday evening from 7.30 to 10.30. in Stowbridge village Hall near Downham Market, West Norfolk.

The evening starts with a Beginners class to teach new comers the basics and build confidence, or provide a warm up for the more experienced dancer. This is followed by a freestyle session and then an improver's / intermediate lesson to take your moves to the next level, with more freestyle to round off the evening

Stowbridge village hall, post code PE34 3PW, is an excellent venue with plenty of parking space. The hall is a few yards along Downham road just after the junction with The Causeway (look for the village hall sign as you turn onto Downham Road from The Causeway).

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Paul Furner

Phoning Paul? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 30/11/2015.
This page has been viewed 10,874 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Jive Survivors Stowbridge

STOWBRIDGE Stowbridge Village Hall Downham Road, STOWBRIDGE, PE34 3PW Wed