Modern Jive Database

Dance Fusion

Music at the event is played for three styles of dance,
Modern Jive, Argentine Tango and Salsa. It's a great
chance to practise the moves, technique and style
you've learnt in your classes - a great mix of music,
friendly company and lots and lots of fun. Come and join
us for a lovely Sunday afternoon.

£5 for your first visit and £3 on second and subsequent
visits includes Tea, Coffee and membership of the club
and its facilities. A bar is available for soft and alcoholic
drinks; if you wish you can bring a cake or something to
share with others.

Free parking at the venue or to the rear of the Village
Hall, Off Sitwell St.

Contact Dance Fusion

You can contact Dance Fusion direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Alternatively, use the detail below

Suzanne Strange
07834 229422

Phoning Suzanne? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 19/1/2016.
This page has been viewed 5,361 times.

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