Modern Jive Database

Sugar Step

Sugar Step is the Social Brit Dance created by Lazy Dave. Its a funky smooth form of modern jive that feels so good on the dance floor.

You can learn to dance at home at your own pace with online tutorials or join us at a club night and discover for yourself what makes Sugar Step unique.

Watch out for dates where Lazy Dave is teaching up and down the country.

Contact Sugar Step

You can contact Sugar Step direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Alternatively, use the detail below

Lazy Dave
07710 033363

Phoning Lazy Dave? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 12/8/2015.
This page has been viewed 31,703 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Sugar Step

EASTBOURNE Hampden Park Community Centre Broderick Road, Hampden Park, EASTBOURNE, BN22 9NR Thu