Surrey Jive
Surrey Jive are a local based dance school offering Swing Jive classes in Wallington and Epsom, Surrey. At Beginner level students learn the 'Jitterbug' the jive made famous by the GI's during World War II and at Intermediate level learn the 'Savoy Lindy hop', the first jive.
Courses are held over 10-weeks and their classes are run in a fun and supportive way. Going to your first class can often be the biggest hurdle. Surrey Jive promise they will do all they can to put students at ease. They want students to remember they are with like minded people who are probably just as nervous. Students learn two new jive moves per week and each week builds upon the last. At the start of the class they revise the previous two weeks. This is useful should students have to miss a week.
Surrey Jive have a proven track record and have a background in teaching. They have taught over 2,000 students since the company was formed in 2008 and they share a passion for all things 1940's and 1950's.
Surrey Jive will teach clients the lost art of 'partner dancing', something that has been lost over the years. If signing up as a couple remember this is a pastime that can be done together. If attending as a single dancer, then like the couples there is an opportunity to meet new people, learn a new skill and become fitter and healthier in the process.
All the Surrey Jive teachers and helpers are experienced swing dancers and they are both helpful and supportive. After all they started in the same way. Surrey Jive will have you jiving in just ten weeks!
When attending class students will find the halls spacious and welcoming. Clients will only dance with their partner but if they attend as an individual dancer then they will dance with another teacher or
experienced dancer. Please wear what is most comfortable, although flat shoes are desirable as it makes turning easier.
What matters to Surrey Jive is that students have fun whilst learning to dance.
Surrey Jive is run by Nicola and Paul Shepherd. They have been jiving for many years and the company was formed from their love of this captivating dance and their affection for the vintage period.
Nicola and Paul are double jive champions at both the War and Peace and Jivemania jive competitions as well as Quarter Finalists of the Sky TV Dance Competition 'Got to Dance'.
Surrey Jive have forged strong community links and their classes are well attended as a result. Early booking is essential.
They are often employed by other company's as guest dance teachers at jive weekends and other dance schools. Previous clients have included Boogaloo Dance Promotions and Dance Options of Cheam. They regularly perform at corporate events, parties and weddings as well as dancing for well known personalities from the jive scene such as Si Cranstoun. Surrey Jive have also appeared as dance extras on film events.
Contact Surrey Jive
You can contact Surrey Jive direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Alternatively, use the detail below
- Contact:
- Paul Shepherd
- Tel:
- 07723 826752
Phoning Paul ? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.
- Email:
- Web:
The organiser last reviewed this information on 28/8/2018.
This page has been viewed 40,784 times.
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Modern Jive Organisations
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- Chigford
- 1st Move
- A DanceSin Fusion
- ABC Jive
- ABC Jive UK
- Active Holidays with Travel Four
- Adrenalin Jive
- Adrian Marsh School of Dance
- AJ’s Rock’N’Rol
- Alley Katz
- Allsorts
- Allure Dance
- Alz-Dances
- Alzheimer’s society
- Amersham Jazz Club
- Angie A’s Swagga Swing Band
- Aquarius Jive
- Ballroom Into Jive
- BB’s Easy Jive
- Benenden
- Benenden School
- Best Western Shrubbery Hotel
- Blitz
- Blitz : Sheffield
- Bluesman 270 Promotions
- Boogaloo
- Boogie Nightz Jive
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- Borderlands Jive
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- Boxmoor Beat
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- Bridgwater West Coast Swing
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- Bristol LeRoc
- C&GDancing
- C&GDancing
- C&S Dance Nights
- Carol’s Latin Jive
- Celt Jive /Costa Del Jive
- Ceroc
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- Ceroc Addiction
- Ceroc Beds & Ceroc Bucks
- Ceroc Conexión
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- Ceroc South Wales
- Ceroc South Wales
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- Ceroc Surrey
- Ceroc TV
- Ceroc Vibe
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- Ceroc WY-Jive
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- Ceroc Zeal
- Chance To Dance (LeRoc Modern Jiv
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- Charity Dance
- Charity Freestyle Luton
- Charity Fundraiser
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- city2sand
- Claire Hart
- Clevedon LeRoc
- Cloud9
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- Club Dance Holidays
- Club Dance Holidays
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- costa del jive
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- Dance Evolution
- Dance Fever
- Dance Fixation
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- Dance Junkies - Modern Jive
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- Dance2Mesmerize
- Dance4Myton
- Dance-Ability
- Danceaholics
- dancealot
- DanceJive
- DanceSin Fusion
- DanceXAffinity
- DanceXcess JIVE-IN
- Dancing For Charity & Dance Distr
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- Debut Dancing
- Decade Dance
- Derby Jive
- Diamond-Dance
- Discojive
- DJNickatHi-Jive
- Dynamic Dance
- Dynamic Dance
- Eastbourne Le Roc
- EastonSwing
- EastonSwing
- EastonSwing Ltd
- Easy Dance Jive
- Easyjive
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- Elton Dance Verve
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- Eventfulness
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- Evolve with Tor
- Feel Good Friday
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- Flashback
- Flashdance Freestyles
- Floorplay Jive
- Foot-Loose JIVE Bury
- French Jive Couples Practice Club
- Fresh Jive
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- Fun2Dance
- fun2jive North West
- FunkyLush
- Furness Jive
- Fusion
- Gazzabash
- Get Happy Entertainment
- Gibbonsprimadance
- Ginger Jive
- G-Jive
- Glasgow Swing Dance Society
- GM Dance
- Gosfield Charity VE Day Swing Dan
- GrahamWeeksDJ
- Greenwich Dance
- Guppy’s Enterprise Club
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- Harrogate Jive Events
- Hearts Of Angels
- hi5jive
- hi5jive
- Highland Charity Jive
- Highland Charity Jive
- Hi-Jive
- Hi-Jive
- Holiday Rock
- HolmfirthJive
- Hope & Aid Direct
- Hot Roc Jive
- Hotshots Dance LeRoc
- iDance
- ijig
- Illumination Dance / DanceXcess
- In Motion Dance Somerset
- Inter-Jive
- IslandDanceWizards
- J
- J7VE
- Jangel Jive
- JayDee’s
- Jazz Swing Dance
- Jazzjiveswing
- Jazzles Jive Fusion
- Jim Edwards West Coast Swing
- Jive & Boogie
- Jive ’n’ Kickin’
- Jive Addiction Limited
- Jive After 5
- Jive Aid (Charity Event)
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- jive alive hexham
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- Jive Dance
- Jive Dance party
- Jive Dance Party
- jive distinction
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- Jive Freedom
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- Jive Fusion Dance
- Jive Hive
- JIVE HIVE - Northwest
- Jive Inc
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- Jive Jaunts
- Jive Junkie
- Jive Junkies
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- Jive Sensation North West
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- Jive Teddy
- Jive Temptation
- Jive Trend
- Jive+
- Jive4All
- Jive-a-licious
- JiveAlive
- Jiveasy
- Jivebeat
- JiveDancer
- Jiveeezy
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- Jiveolution
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- JivePlymouth
- Jives Alive
- Jivesters
- Jivestyle
- Jivestyle-Dance Co
- JiveSwing.Com
- JiveTango
- JiveTango
- Jivetastic!
- JiveTime and Jive Holiday Club
- Jive-Time!
- Jiveuwild Luxury Yacht & Dance Ho
- jivewithatwist
- Joy of Jive
- Juke Joint Events
- Jumping Jack Jive
- Just Danze
- Just Jive
- Just Jive Ltd
- Just Jive Thornton Hough
- Just2Jive
- Justdanze
- justgreatjive
- Justjive Bognor
- JV Modern Jive Club
- Kent Jive
- Kimberley Coury
- Kool Jive Events
- La Attica
- La Dolce Vita Dancing
- LA LeRoc
- Lana’s Dance Café
- LatinQuarter
- Le Swing Jive
- Learn West Coast Swing with Jon &
- Learn2Jive
- Leicester Swing Dance
- LeROC Ayrshire
- LeROC Ayrshire
- LeROC Ayrshire
- LeRoc Jive Lancashire
- LeRoc Modern Jive with Stacey
- Leroc Modern Jive with Stacey
- LeRoc North Wales
- LeRoc Scotland
- LeRoc Surrey Modern Jive
- LeRoc Wirral
- Let’s Dance Bristol
- Let’s Dance
- Let’s Dance Jive!
- Liberty Ballroom and Latin
- Lindy Jazz
- Link 40+ Events
- Live
- Love 2 Jive
- Love to Dance (Stamford)
- Love2Jive
- luv2jive
- Mad About Swing
- Mae Ferrell
- Max Lemon Charity Fund Raising Ev
- Mersey Jive
- Mid Wales Jive
- miJive and Jive Bucks
- Milton Keynes Dance Centre
- MISTdance
- MJ Dance
- MJ Dance
- MJive
- MJ-ive
- MJ-ive
- MJRoc
- MJS Just Love To Dance
- Modern Jive at The Western
- Modern Jive Kings
- Modern Jive Kings
- Modern Jive Lancs (sole trader)
- Modern Jive Portsmouth
- Modern Jive Sensation
- Modern Jive Surrey
- Modern Jive Today
- Modern LeRoc Jive
- Monkey Socks
- Mottram Jive Club
- Mr
- Murphys Shirts
- Nailsea le Roc
- Neapolitan Party - Bournemouth
- NewBerko JiveHub
- Newquay Jive
- None
- North Wales Jive
- North West Jive
- Northern Jive Barnsley
- Notts Jive Crew
- Omnibus
- Oxford Swing Dance
- Pac Jive
- Paris Rock
- Party Time Dance
- Paul King
- Paula & Steve’s Jive Academy
- Phoenix Fusion Freestyles
- Pirate Jive
- Planet LeRoc Wales Modern Jive
- Platinum Jive
- Pop Up Jive
- Pop-up Freestyle
- Portishead LeRoc
- Pulse-Dance
- Pure jive
- Red & Ginger’s Hot Vintage
- Red cap John charity jive
- Red Feather Club
- Red Hot Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red Velvet Jive
- Red velvet Jive (modern Jive free
- Redruth Jive
- Revive
- Revive Jive
- Revolution Dance
- Richer Moves
- Riviera LeRoc
- Rock and Soul
- Rock Bottoms
- Rock’n’Roll Revolution
- RockinRhythm
- Rocsters
- Rug-Cutters Lindy Hop Club
- Rushden Jive
- S&S Jive
- S.A.S. Dance
- Salsa ’n’ Jive
- Salsa With Sureka
- Salvador Dance
- Sara White’s Jive & Blues Nites
- Saturday Jive at Chichester
- SavoyHop
- Second City Swing
- Sensation North West
- Serene Dance
- Serene Dance
- SH!Dance Jive
- Sharon and Steve
- Sharon and Steve freestyle events
- Shush The Venue
- Simply Smooth
- Slip & Slide Modern Jive
- Smartdanceworks
- Smooth Moves
- SmoothAsSilk
- SO Ceroc
- Something new
- Soundwave Disco
- South Lakes Jive
- South Lakes Jive
- Southlakes jive
- Spinz Modern Jive
- Spondon JiveX
- Spondon Liberal Club
- St Sampsons Centre
- Steppin’ Out
- Steps In Time
- Stoke Bishop Village Hall
- Stokie’s
- Stokie’s Blues Exchange Bucks
- Stokie’s: South Midlands
- Strictly Ceroc
- Strictly Jive
- Strictly Jive Fever
- Strictly PJ Dance
- Stylz Jive
- Sub Zero Swing
- Sugar Step
- SundayChill
- SuperJive
- Surrey Jive
- Sussex Coast Jive
- Sway
- Swing Dance Summertown
- Swing Jive Leeds
- Swing Jive Rock and Roll
- Swing Out & Shimmy
- Swing Roc
- SwingdanceUK
- Swingland
- Swingsters
- Swinton Jive
- Sync Dancing
- Sync Dancing
- Take 4/Dance The Blues
- Team Le Roc
- Technique Ninjas
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- Testing
- The 1086 Club
- The Chicken Shack
- The Crown Ballroom
- The DoubleDeckers Smooth Tunez
- The Engine Shed
- The Gilda Brook Social Club
- The Jive Club
- The Jive Club (Essex)
- The Jive Club (Norfolk)
- The Jive Hive
- The Jive Junction
- The Jiver
- The Rocking Rebels
- The Roses Theatre
- The Ruby Reds
- The Stocksfield Tea Dance
- The Sunday Connection
- The Surrey Swing Dance Society
- The Swing Dance Company
- The Thing
- T-Jive
- Tony Jive
- Top Cat Dance
- Trinity LeRoc
- Twenty Flight Rock
- U-Dance
- U-Dance
- Upton Magna Memorial Hall
- Utopia
- V Woolf Enterprises Ltd
- Verve Dance
- ViBe Dance Nights
- Vibejive
- VibeJive
- Vidadance Ltd
- Video-Music Club of Bolton
- Vintage Jive
- Virginia Heck
- Want2Dance
- Want2Dance - Birstall
- Want2Dance - Burton
- Want2Dance - Melton Mowbray
- Want2Dance with Victoria
- Warrington Meet & Jive
- Warwick westies
- WeJig
- WeJive
- West Coast Amnesia
- West Coast Swing
- West Coast Swing - Cheshire / Man
- West Coast Swing - London
- West Coast Swing - North West
- West Coast Swing Events in Leeds
- West Coast Swing UK
- West Coast Swing Winchester
- Westyorkshire Jive Freestyles
- White Cliffs Modern Jive
- White Linen
- Wirral Jive
- Yorkshire Freestyle Nights
- Yorkshire Koast Jive
- YouPhoria
Dance Classes Run by Surrey Jive
EPSOM | St Joseph’s Church St Margaret Drive, EPSOM, KT18 7JQ | Thu |
SURREY | St Patrick’s Church Park Hill Road,, SURREY, SM6 0RU | Wed |