Modern Jive Database

Surrey Jive

Surrey Jive are a local based dance school offering Swing Jive classes in Wallington and Epsom, Surrey. At Beginner level students learn the 'Jitterbug' the jive made famous by the GI's during World War II and at Intermediate level learn the 'Savoy Lindy hop', the first jive.

Courses are held over 10-weeks and their classes are run in a fun and supportive way. Going to your first class can often be the biggest hurdle. Surrey Jive promise they will do all they can to put students at ease. They want students to remember they are with like minded people who are probably just as nervous. Students learn two new jive moves per week and each week builds upon the last. At the start of the class they revise the previous two weeks. This is useful should students have to miss a week.

Surrey Jive have a proven track record and have a background in teaching. They have taught over 2,000 students since the company was formed in 2008 and they share a passion for all things 1940's and 1950's.

Surrey Jive will teach clients the lost art of 'partner dancing', something that has been lost over the years. If signing up as a couple remember this is a pastime that can be done together. If attending as a single dancer, then like the couples there is an opportunity to meet new people, learn a new skill and become fitter and healthier in the process.

All the Surrey Jive teachers and helpers are experienced swing dancers and they are both helpful and supportive. After all they started in the same way. Surrey Jive will have you jiving in just ten weeks!

When attending class students will find the halls spacious and welcoming. Clients will only dance with their partner but if they attend as an individual dancer then they will dance with another teacher or
experienced dancer. Please wear what is most comfortable, although flat shoes are desirable as it makes turning easier.

What matters to Surrey Jive is that students have fun whilst learning to dance.

Surrey Jive is run by Nicola and Paul Shepherd. They have been jiving for many years and the company was formed from their love of this captivating dance and their affection for the vintage period.

Nicola and Paul are double jive champions at both the War and Peace and Jivemania jive competitions as well as Quarter Finalists of the Sky TV Dance Competition 'Got to Dance'.

Surrey Jive have forged strong community links and their classes are well attended as a result. Early booking is essential.

They are often employed by other company's as guest dance teachers at jive weekends and other dance schools. Previous clients have included Boogaloo Dance Promotions and Dance Options of Cheam. They regularly perform at corporate events, parties and weddings as well as dancing for well known personalities from the jive scene such as Si Cranstoun. Surrey Jive have also appeared as dance extras on film events.

Contact Surrey Jive

You can contact Surrey Jive direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

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Alternatively, use the detail below

Paul Shepherd
07723 826752

Phoning Paul ? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 28/8/2018.
This page has been viewed 40,784 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Surrey Jive

EPSOM St Joseph’s Church St Margaret Drive, EPSOM, KT18 7JQ Thu
SURREY St Patrick’s Church Park Hill Road,, SURREY, SM6 0RU Wed