Modern Jive Database

Sara White’s Jive & Blues Nites

For us, Modern Blues dancing is a music-led, lead/follow partner dance that incorporates and includes movement in both close-hold and at extension.

We celebrate the joy that is to be found in spontaneously choreographing the dance to the music as it plays.

We feel that Modern Blues dancing isn't necessarily typified or constrained by the style of music or by the style of dance but becomes a glorious amalgamation of all aspects of partner-dance.

Our vision:

To focus on playing good, challenging, expressive and fun music.
To teach you to dance rather than just teaching moves.
To teach you to dance with style and attitude.
To have a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels safe and valued.
To have a slick and professional organisation.

What can you expect?

Certainly not 'thump, thump' music...
Certainly not moves, moves, moves...
Certainly not an indifferent and uncaring cliquey group...

If you're looking for something fun, fresh and different -
we're looking forward to welcoming you.

Contact Sara White’s Jive & Blues Nites

You can contact Sara White’s Jive & Blues Nites direct by completing the form below and clicking the 'Send' button.

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Sara White

Phoning Sara? Remember to say you got these details from UK-Jive.


The organiser last reviewed this information on 11/4/2023.
This page has been viewed 53,093 times.

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Dance Classes Run by Sara White’s Jive & Blues Nites

BUCKDEN Buckden Millennium Centre Burberry Road, BUCKDEN, PE19 5UY Mon